You don’t need me to tell you that business is more competitive than ever.

It’s hard out there for business owners.

Getting new customers can be ridiculously difficult, time consuming, and with the cost of marketing these days, expensive.

That’s why it’s crucial that you keep the customers you’ve got.

But so many entrepreneurs forget this.

They’re so focused on acquiring new customers they forget to look after the ones that are already buying from them.

As the old Texan saying goes, “When you’re at the dance, don’t forget who brought you.”

One of the very best ways to keep clients is by giving them regular surprises.

Little things that touch them in some way, or remind them why they chose to do business with you.

When was the last time your surprised your clients?

With a Thank You gift. An interesting book. A relevant report on what’s happening in their industry.

Perhaps you could send them an article you found that they might find helpful to their business.
Or send a card for their birthday.

Maybe you could invite them to a concert or show.

Or better still, you could give them a surprise that’s work related. Like finishing a project a week early, or discounting the cost of a job for no reason at all.

These are little things, I know. But it’s the little things that will separate you from your competitors. It’s the little things that will make an impact on them and make them glad it’s you they work with.

These days, just doing the work well is not enough to keep clients. Good enough is not good enough.

We must excel, delight, and yes, surprise them.

So, it’s time to institute a system for regularly surprising your customers. You’ll be surprised at how it builds your business.

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